Monday, January 30, 2012

Getting Nervous

Today, at 2:40pm, I am leaving work early and meeting my mom for my first appointment with Kimra, a dietitian. I am both completely excited and totally nervous at the same time. I have no idea what to expect, but I am ready for some guidance. I am ready to eat what my body needs.

What will my meal plans look like? Is this goodbye to diet soda? Will she tell me whether I need to gain weight or not? So many questions.

I am glad that my mom is coming with me. I was hesitant about it, but I think that she'll be supportive and not try to control the situation. Plus, I have a birthday gift to give her. She also said that she'd help me with some grocery shopping after the appointment if I was up for it. Grocery shopping is always overwhelming, so I would be very appreciative of having help with that endeavor.

I will let you all know how the appointment went and what I learned! However, I will avoid posting my specific meal plans as I know that they will be tailored to my point in recovery. I wouldn't want to trigger comparisons. What I need to eat might be different than what you need to eat, right?




  1. Good luck! Just remember that your nutritionist is not trying to make you "fat," and that whatever meal plan she gives you is in your best interest. I sort of find my meal plan a relief; surrendering control to a nutritionist rather than ED is scary but comforting. I would also suggest writing down your concerns and questions before you go, so that you're not tongue-tied by nervousness when you get there. It would be fair to say, "I'm used to drinking X diet sodas a day; I know that should be less, but I'm not ready to stop drinking them completely. How can we work together to come up with a reasonable compromise?" Let us know how it goes! xo

  2. You are so brave and doing the right thing! It is scary but you have to do it. For you! For life! I'll be thinking of you and will be waiting to hear how it went.
