Friday, December 9, 2011

Support Group

I was soooooo glad that I mustered up the courage to go to the support group last night. Yes, it was EDA, and it was the best hour of my month! It was a small group, just me and two other women, but it was actually kind of perfect because we all got a significant amount of time to share and to support each other with comments. I had never before sat next to someone who spends her days hiding in the same way that I do, who has the same fears and confusions that I do, and who needs support in the same way that I do. We exchanged phone numbers, and I felt as I if I just made two wonderful friends. Kindred spirits.

Here were my two big take-aways from the meeting:

1) Recovery does get better. One girl said that she never thought life would be better until, one day, it kinda was better. That gave me a lot of hope.

2) As much I like to think that I can, I can't recover alone. Yes, I need to do the hard work, but it's the support and guidance from others that will keep me sailing through the rough waves.

I can't wait for the next meeting in two weeks!! Maybe I'm just so jazzed about it because I haven't been able to feel good about doing anything social in years, so it feels good to connect with other people.




  1. I'm so glad you've found a place where you really feel supported. That's going to be such a huge role (a positive one) in your recovery. And it is so helpful to hear from other people that recovery gets better and easier because in the early stages it's harder than hell.
    Keep working.

  2. yay I'm so glad you had that experience! Support group has been THE most important factor in my recovery. Keep in mind how it felt to share in group and the great support you have there! so happy for you :D

  3. That's great that you went--and that it was so supportive! Good that you're using your resources when you need to!

  4. I am SO glad that you went Emily! <3
    I know this group will be such a great support to you and also a motivator to keep fighting when things get tough. Your heart is truly in the right place when it comes to recovery and because of that- you WILL recover. I know it seems like you have been struggling so much since starting recovery but I have seen you grow and become stronger. Keep that fire of recovery burning inside of you <3

  5. Dear Emily,

    It is Xmas Morn' and I am sipping coffee and thinking of you. Before heading out to a newly found church.

    I hope you are fine. I miss reading you. Just remember, you are so precious! And I just know you a tiny little bit, by now... hopefully a lot more to come!


