Saturday, December 31, 2011

I See Great Things for 2012

Hi everyone!

I apologize for the absence. While it may seem like such an absence from writing has meant that I have gone running back to ED, it's actually just the opposite. In the past month, I have made more progress in recovery than I ever imagined I could. However, it was taking so much out of me mentally, that I couldn't figure out how to put onto paper (blogging paper) what I was going through. My brain has been so exhausted from coping with each new challenge and each change. Here are some things that I'm proud of:

1) I have stuck with treatment with Sarah. After every appointment with her, I feel recharged. When my head gets all fuzzy about recovery and what direction I'm going in, she helps me focus on my goals. She is actually the one who encouraged me to continue blogging. It feels good to stick with treatment and to do something good for myself.

2) I have greatly reduced the number of binge/purges each week. Sarah's help with developing coping skills has been wonderful. She has also helped me to understand why I do the binge/purge cycle to begin with. My goal for the next week is to have zero binge/purges.

3) Goodbye, Luna bars! Okay, so I still have had a few Luna bars lately, but so much has changed since Luna bars were the only thing I would eat. For the past two weeks, I have been eating all sorts of yummy foods, like bread, peanut butter, sweet potato, tofu, strawberries, kale, almonds, KIND bars, apples, and chick'n nuggets. Granted, I am no queen of variety yet, but it feels so good and, dare I say, "normal" to eat different foods.

4) Less measuring and counting. When I first separated from Luna bars, I held onto my sense of control through counting calories, and, thus, measuring food was very important to me. Recently, however, through the encouragement of a friend who has recovered from ED, I stopped measuring and just went with it. It actually felt pretty darn good, and it wasn't nearly as scary as I thought it would be.

I'm just going to say it: I'M PROUD OF MYSELF! I always thought that ED would have his grasp on me forever, but I can already see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's a long tunnel, but the light is there. I have a long road ahead of me, but I'm committed.

I'm looking forward to writing a lot more. I have been following all of your blogs, and, at times, it has been such a motivator for me to stay on the right path. Thank you for that. Happy New Year, and I see great things for all of us in 2012!



Friday, December 9, 2011

Support Group

I was soooooo glad that I mustered up the courage to go to the support group last night. Yes, it was EDA, and it was the best hour of my month! It was a small group, just me and two other women, but it was actually kind of perfect because we all got a significant amount of time to share and to support each other with comments. I had never before sat next to someone who spends her days hiding in the same way that I do, who has the same fears and confusions that I do, and who needs support in the same way that I do. We exchanged phone numbers, and I felt as I if I just made two wonderful friends. Kindred spirits.

Here were my two big take-aways from the meeting:

1) Recovery does get better. One girl said that she never thought life would be better until, one day, it kinda was better. That gave me a lot of hope.

2) As much I like to think that I can, I can't recover alone. Yes, I need to do the hard work, but it's the support and guidance from others that will keep me sailing through the rough waves.

I can't wait for the next meeting in two weeks!! Maybe I'm just so jazzed about it because I haven't been able to feel good about doing anything social in years, so it feels good to connect with other people.



Thursday, December 8, 2011

Good things

I just wanted to take a moment (a dull moment at work that is) to thank all of you who have commented and supported me in the past few days. You’ve helped me to see things a bit more clearly than I could’ve on my own. Such as…

- Thank you for telling me that, despite expenses, I deserve treatment.

- Thank you for informing that ED can push back hard when first attempting to defy him in recovery. It made a lot of sense because that is exactly what has been happening.

- Thank you for advising to rely on professionals for help instead of just my family. It’s a lot for them to handle.

Here’s some good news!!

1. I’m going to start seeing Sandra every other Saturday beginning 12/17. It’s worth the cost because she’s wonderful.

2. I’m going to see a dietitian that Sandra recommended on 1/5/12. The only bummer is that my insurance only covers 3 nutritionist appts in a lifetime unless I have diabetes! Isn’t that horrible?!!

3. Sandra also recommended a bulimia support group that meets twice per month, and I’m going tonight (as long as I don't chicken out). I’m actually kind of excited. She said it would be a small group.

Thank you again for sharing your experience and wisdom with me as it has allowed me to stay hopeful. You’re so inspiring to me.



Monday, December 5, 2011

Keeping Busy

I'm writing right now because ED has been screaming at me for an hour trying to make me binge and purge. He says that if I don't then tomorrow will be a nightmare. He says that I won't be able to feel calm until I throw up. He reminds me that I don't know how to eat, so I might as well throw up since that's all I know how to do.

Thank you for your comments on my last post. Sandra has not called me back yet to make an appointment. ED tells me it's because she doesn't want to see me again and that I'm beyond help. I feel beyond help.

At my job, I'm a superhero to my coworkers. They love me, my enthusiasm, and my efficiency, but they have no idea that I am suffering on the inside. My husband has been working 70-hour weeks, and he believes me when I say that I'm not throwing up. He says he has an easier time at work when he doesn't have to worry about me at home, and I don't blame him. My mom cries when I tell her I'm still throwing up. Who can I be honest with? I feel like I have to deal with this on my own or else I will hurt everyone around me. I would make it harder for them to live their lives if they knew.

Yes, I do have insurance, but I don't really know what I should be doing to get the right treatment. Do I just keep seeing Sandra, a therapist, regularly? Do I need to find a dietitian? I don't think I could follow a meal plan even if I did have one. I just don't understand what I'm supposed to do to get better. Living with my ED is all I know how to do.

Thank you for listening while I write to keep busy and distract myself from ED's constant pleading for me to binge and purge.


Saturday, December 3, 2011



I know I've been away for awhile, and, as I'm sure you could have guessed, things have been really rough lately. I feel like I've taken giant steps backwards in recovery. I don't even think I can call it recovery because ED is in control more than ever. I feel like I was making progress for a moment there in November, but then it all went downhill.

I can't seem to keep myself from purging for more than a day. I try and try to figure out what makes me do it, but I can't figure it out. I purge on days that I restrict and on days that I attempt to challenge myself with food. I purge on stressful days and on relaxed days. I purge when I feel skinny and when I feel fat. I purge when I hate myself and when I think that I like myself. I can't figure it out!

It feels like there will never be an end to this, but I know that I can't think that way. I left a voicemail for Sandra, the therapist I saw in November, so hopefully she will call me back to make an appointment. I'll just have to get over the money thing, even though I feel so so guilty for wasting money on treating my stupid ED. I feel like I should just be able to stop!!

I've lived with ED for more of my life than I've lived without it, and I don't even remember what life was like before ED. I don't really know what I'm supposed to be like if I don't have an eating disorder.

I hope I didn't bring down any of you who are reading. Thank you so much for being there to read and for the support. It makes me feel a lot less alone.

Friday, November 18, 2011

The Native Cafe and my award!

Hi friends,

I know it seems like I've been away from blogging for a while, and I apologize. Work has been so busy, and, by the time I get home, I am just beat. It's the good kind of busy though....I absolutely love my job!!

The Native Cafe, a fabulous vegan restaurant, recently opened nearby. After looking over their menu, I knew this place was the perfect opportunity to challenge myself with some delicious, natural food. Danny and I went the other night, and we both LOVED everything about the experience, especially the scrumptious food! What I loved most of all was sitting down with Danny and eating a meal together. It's not often that we do that, and I couldn't have done it without him. I had my moments of anxiety, but, really, the food was so pure and delicious that I couldn't even hear ED's voice. My heart knew that the food was good and good for me.

We started by sharing some sweet potato fries, which was a huge leap of faith for me because they were actually FRIED IN OIL! I didn't have a lot, but I was glad I had some.
I had the Sesame Kale Tempeh Bowl. It had sauce on it. I ate the sauce. I usually fear sauce. I reminded myself that it was good for me....again and again. The entire bowl was amazing!
My husband had a Reuben Sandwich, and he said that he wouldn't have been able to tell that it was vegan. He LOVED it!

After the restaurant, we took a walk through the park. He knew that the feeling in my stomach was troublesome for me, so we held hands, picked up pretty leaves, and talked about how to take on challenges like this more often. The next day, I felt surprisingly okay. The food had digested, and I was okay. The rest the week, I haven't been taking on many challenges, but I think Danny will help me with that this weekend. It's much easier to take on challenges when I'm not alone.

One more thing.....

I need to thank Blue Eyed Barbie for nominating me for the "Tell Me About Yourself Award". I am so touched that she thought of me and my blog! I wish I knew how to put the cool button on here to show you!!

The rules of this nomination are:
To tell seven random things about myself as well as pass on the award to seven other great bloggers.
Nominees, in order to accept this award you must:
-Thank and link back to the person who awarded you.
-Write seven random things about yourself.
-Award seven other awesome and inspiring bloggers.

Hmmmm....let's see:

1. I live in Portland, Oregon, and I love it here. The seasons are beautiful, and there's plenty of cold weather months so that I can layer with pretty sweaters, coats, and scarves.

2. My husband, Danny, and I didn't have a wedding. We took our moms to the courthouse, got married in front of a Justice of the Peace, and went out to dinner! It was perfect for us.

3. I work in a clinic for sleep medicine. It's pretty awesome!

4. I have a HUGE scar along my side and back from a scoliosis surgery I had when I was 14.

5. My favorite author is Emily Giffin. I want to be a character in one of her books!!

6. Someday, I want to live in New York City. It's always been a dream of mine, and I hope it can be possible someday.

7. My favorite movie is 'Almost Famous'. It makes me feel things.

And now...I nominate some of my favorite bloggies!! (Sorry..I haven't been able to think of 7 yet who haven't already received to award!)

Thank you, everyone!!!



Saturday, November 12, 2011

Cracking open the door


All week, I have thinking about my blog but drawing blanks in terms of how to describe what's been going on. The events of each day have left me feeling so "up" at times and "down" at other times that I can't wrap my brain around how I'm really doing. In the words of DJ Skat Kat, it's been "one step forward, two steps back".

Throughout the week, I've mustered up the courage to put my Luna bars aside and reintroduce new foods into my life. On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, I had coffee with a cup of almond milk. On those days, I also brought different things to work for lunch, like sweet potato, quinoa with tofu, and other variations including black beans and edamame. I also took Lori's advice and ate every 3-4 hours. The strangeness was so invigorating; I could almost feel my fist crushing ED's voice!

By Friday, however, two steps back. I woke up feeling bloated, and I immediately blamed it on how I've betrayed ED. All day long, every bite felt like torture, both to my body and my mind. Sure enough, by the evening, I was so unsure of any food decision I'd made that I ran back to my ED behaviors. To say that I felt discouraged would be an understatement. I was crushed; convinced that everything I'd done on Mon, Tue, and Wed meant nothing. I felt like every attempt at recovery would always lead back to the same ED behaviors.

Today, however, has been healing. I picked up Life Beyond Your Eating Disorder by Johanna S. Kandel from the library after requesting it. I began reading it in the morning and have had a hard time putting it down. Her story is so relatable for me that I feel like I already know her as a close friend.

Something that she makes very clear in the book is that recovery is hard. It's a rough road with lots of ups and downs, and it's inevitable that one will stumble. Here's an excerpt that meant so much to me:

Sometimes life change begins with just opening the door a crack and catching a glimpse of what's on the other side. The first time you did that, you might have taken a peek and then run to hide under the covers. The second time maybe you opened the door a bit wider, stood there a bit longer and got a better look. A then maybe you took a step outside and lingered long enough to breathe the fresh air. Gradually, you'll be able to walk through that door and keep going. That's how recovery happens-a glimmer at a time.

So, you see, what I did on Mon, Tue, and Wed wasn't worthless and meaningless! I cracked the door open and got a glimpse of what recovery is like (it was awesome). Hopefully, next time, I'll linger a bit longer and breathe in the fresh air.

I have a good feeling about this week.



Saturday, November 5, 2011

Back from the Therapist

My husband and I just got back from my first appointment with Sandra. How did it go? Well, I'm not sure. Honsetly, I feel overwhelmed. I think I had set high expectations that I would leave the appointment with strengthened hope and a sense of direction. Instead, I just feel fuzzy and exhausted.

Obviously, a 50 minute session is not a lot of time to inform Sandra about all of the details of my eating disorder, so I still feel like I was talking way too fast trying to get out everything that has cause me pain since I was 14. She also asked me a lot of questions about my specific behaviors and rituals. I cried...a lot. My husband held my hand tightly the entire time.

Something that we did do was try to set goals. When she asked me what my goals were, I had no idea what to say. Um, not die? Then, some specific things came to my mind that I would like to achieve.

I want to think about food/weight/appearance for 5% of my day instead of 95%.

I want to love myself.

I want to eat meals with my husband.

I don't want to throw up anymore.

I want to have the emotional strength to be there for my husband when he needs me.

Sandra reassured me that recovery is possible, even though it seems unattainable. That was so nice to hear. I also loved how Sandra asked my husband what questions he had. He LOVED being involved because he felt like he was actually helping me. I could see the relief in his eyes as he told me he was proud of me.

Going forward, Sandra and I are going to meet every other week instead of weekly due to financial reasons. She also gave the contact info for a dietitian since I talked a lot about how much I struggle with making food choices. Honestly, the financial piece is REALLY hard for me. This could potentially cost a lot of money, and I'm feeling so guilty about all of that, especially since I don't even know if it will really help me.

I feel confused about a lot, especially about how to get through the next week. Should I just stick with my restricting? Should I try to eat more or eat differently? We didn't get to talk about that in the appointment...time flew by so quickly!

Final note: I would highly recommend reading Lori's post at Drop it and Eat from today. My husband and I huddled by our laptop and read it together. Lori creates an analogy comparing ED recovery to house restoration, and it gave me a lot to think about. My husband said, "Did she write this just about you?", my love.

Take care, lovely bloggers!


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Saturday is almost here!

It's almost the day! My first therapy appointment with Sandra is just one-ish day away, and I can't wait. Each day is such a struggle. My husband tells me to "stay strong" and to ignore the voices in my heED, but I still end up restricting and purging. My mind feels fuzzy, and I can't concentrate. Writing this blog post is actually taking a lot of mental power and effort.

I'm exhausted. Exhausted of doing what the voices tell me. Exhausted from pep-talking myself through everyday. Exhausted from putting on my happy face so that my coworkers won't know that anything is wrong. Exhausted from brainstorming ways to dig myself out of this ED hole. I feel pain, and I'm too tired to talk about how much it hurts.

I have hope that things can be different. It has to be true. Danny and I were meant to grow old together. Down the road, he'll be helping me to find my glasses, and I'll be wiping his ass for him. It's a beautiful picture, but it won't happen if ED sticks around.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for all of the support that you bloggers have given me. I can't express enough how much it means to me because it makes me feel like I'm not alone in all this. I also want to give a shout out to BlueEyedBarbie. She has a new blog that I love and is looking to gain readership, so check it out! I freakin' love how bloggers support each other; don't you?

I'm looking forward to letting you all know how it goes on Saturday with my appointment with Sandra. Any advice?



Sunday, October 30, 2011

One money decision at a time

Short story: I'm going to keep my appointment with Sandra for this Saturday, November 5, at 1:00pm.

Long Story: Melanie returned my call about seeking treatment and strongly advised that I find a way to keep my appointment with Sandra because of how much experience she has in treating eating disorders. She admitted that she doesn't have as much experience and wants me to get the best help possible. When I told her how guilty I would feel about spending the money on deductibles and coinsurance, she said, "Emily, that guilt is ED talking. If you can find a way to afford it, the treatment with Sandra will be worth whatever it costs because she can build a solid program for you."

After talking to Melanie, I was so confused about what to do because I truly am so hesitant to spend a lot of money on treatment. I mean, who knows if it will even work? This could add up to over $1,300 before January is over! My mom wisely told me not to look too far out into the future and to just make one decision at a time. She generously offered to pay for my first appointment with Sandra and said, "Maybe that first appointment will help you decide what to do."

I am so thankful that she supports me. It's nice to hear someone say that I deserve treatment because it alleviates some of the guilt.

I am SOOOOOOO excited to meet Sandra on Saturday and talk to her. I have no idea where we're going to start or what she'll ask me. I mean, where do you start to talk about 12 years of an eating disorder? I just know that I'm excited. It feels like waiting for Christmas!!

I hope you all have a fun, safe Halloween tomorrow!


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Today's Insurance Mini-Crisis

As if deciding to seek treatment isn't intimidating enough, the complications that come with sorting out health insurance issues have, at times, made me want to run back to ED because it makes recovery seem "just too hard". ED almost got me today. Here's what happened:

5:30pm - I get home from work, check the mail, and open a letter from my new insurance provider. The letter informs me that I have a waiting period on my plan for pre-existing conditions that will not end until December 1, 2011. What?! But my appointment with Sandra is November 5! What does this mean? I call the insurance's customer service to get clarification and am informed that I will not be covered for pre-existing conditions (like my ED) until December 1. After December 1, I will only be covered after meeting the $500 deductible, which seems silly to do since my deductible will start over in the new year anyway.

5:50pm - I cry for about 6 minutes. Why didn't I get help when I was still covered by my parent's insurance? How am I going to survive each day with this pain?

5:56pm - I remember that I am still covered by my husband's insurance, and I also remember that there was a therapist covered by his insurance that I wanted to see but didn't because she doesn't offer evening or weekend appointments. But, it would only be a $10 copay for every office visit! The only reason I was waiting for my new insurance to kick in was so that I could get an appointment with Sandra, who offers weekend appointments. Will my employer work with me on allowing me to go to an appointment once each week? Yes, I think so. They love me.

6:00pm - I call the other therapist, Melanie, and leave a voicemail saying that I would love to make an appointment and to call me back anytime. I then email her as well because I over-do everything.

6:05pm - I take a deep breath and collect myself. Crisis averted? Yes, I think so.

I just REALLY hope that Melanie calls me tomorrow. It's been so rough waiting to get help, trying my best to disobey ED but rarely succeeding, so I hope I can get an appointment soon. I will let you all know what I find out.

Thank you all so much for the support!


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Why I Didn't Binge and Purge Today

It all started last night. I was starting to get that "too big" and "too bloated" feeling. ED reminded me that it had been three days since my last purge and that I was much overdue. I distracted myself with television until I went to bed, anxious and stressed.

This morning, the feeling hadn't resolved itself as I had hoped it would. Driving in my car, sitting at work, eating my tiny lunch...all day long the voice was with me, reminding me that tonight had to be the night.

"Look at how fat you are? You know you aren't going to get through tonight without a purge. You better start planning it now. You don't want to feel like this tomorrow do you?

I listened to the voice, and I started to plan my purge. On the way home from work, I would stop by the grocery store and buy binge foods. The rest of the workday was excruciating as my mind was on one objective only...getting rid this horrible feeling. I knew that purging would make me feel better, even if just for tonight. I hate so much about myself, but at least I could feel skinny tonight.

After work, I drove to the grocery store. Stressed and exhausted, I began filling my basket with binge foods. I looked at the foods, and I was suddenly disgusted with myself. I just didn't want to do it anymore. I hate throwing up; it just makes me feel disgusted with myself even though it does make me feel skinnier. I'm so sick throwing up all the time, and I'm tired after battling the voices all day. I put the foods back and got a couple Luna bars instead.

Now, I'm back at home, and the voices are punishing me. They're reminding me of how worthless I am. I'm trying to remind myself of all the bad things that purging does to me (erodes my teeth, puts my esophagus at risk, creates an electrolyte imbalance). I'm glad I didn't throw up tonight because it gives me more hope for recovery. Maybe I can ignore the voices sometimes.

I'll be okay tonight. My kitty is being a good therapy kitty, giving me lots of cuddles.



Sunday, October 23, 2011

Words hurt

You know when someone says something about your weight that, although completely well-intended, feels like daggers to how you feel about yourself. ED takes those words and twists them in your mind all day long. Here's what happened to me yesterday:

Lately, my husband, Danny, has been gently reminding me to keep up my food intake until my appointment with Sarah. I've lost weight, and it must be obvious to him because he never usually comments on what I look like. He's concerned, and I understand.

In phone conversations with my mom, I've shared this as well...that I've lost weight and am feeling a bit lost as far as what to do about it. I hadn't seen her in a while, so we made a plan to get together for coffee yesterday morning. We got our drinks, sat down at a table, and she said to me, "Well, you look really good. When you said you had lost weight, I was concerned that you might be too skinny."

Throughout the rest of our coffee date and for the rest of the day, I dwelled on these words...tried to make sense of them:

I thought I was too skinny, but my mom says I look fine. How do I know what the right size is? What's too skinny?
If I look "really good" now, then I will look horrible if I allow myself to gain weight. I can't allow that to happen!
If I look "really good" now, then maybe I don't need treatment. Maybe I'm fine just the way things are.

I talked to Danny about all of this, and he said that my mom doesn't see what's underneath my clothes. He also pointed out that my mom has an obsession with being super healthy and probably isn't the best judge of "healthy weight". He also said that regardless of weight or size, I am suffering everyday because of my relationship with eating and with my own self worth. That alone, means treatment will be good for me.

I felt a lot more calm after talking to him. I am so fortunate to have Danny to talk to. He's good at squashing ED's thoughts and ideas.

Have your ever been hurt by someone's well-intended comment about your size or appearance?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

My Recovery Song

Hello fellow bloggers,

I just want to take a moment to say that I am so touched and warmed by the support I've received. I have felt so lonely and isolated for so long that being able to connect with others who have lived with ED makes me feel like I'm getting a hug from all of you at once. It makes me feel stronger just to have encouragement from others like you. Thank you for taking the time to write and comment, and I vow to be there for you in the same capacity when you need it back.

I was inspired to by Carrie's post at ED Bites about recovery songs. It got me thinking about songs that inspire me to fight for recovery, and this song came to mind:

My Body by Young the Giant

Pretty motivating, right?!

This song lights the fire within me to keep going. It reminds me to keep fighting despite the mixed messages I get from my body.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Today was rough

Today was rough, even though nothing bad actually happened. The voices were all in my head, and they were so loud today, dragging me down with every step. I wanted to curl up in a ball and hide from everyone. Nothing made me feel better, not even my thinness. Feeling the tips of my hipbones and the bagginess of my pants brought me no comfort today. I felt empty and alone.

Today, I felt hopeless, like I didn't even want to bother with recovery because I hate myself too much. I feel worthless.

I don't feel strong enough for anything. My body is tired.

My appointment with Sandra is 18 days away, and I don't know how to keep moving through each day until then. I know I'll make it, but it's so painful.

Thank you for listening.


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Thinspiration on pinterest?

I, like just about everyone else, have spent many hours ogling at the cute ideas and pictures on Pinterest. Lately, however, I've come across a lot of images that can only be described as "thinspiration". At first, I shrugged it off, but I've been seeing it more and more:

Pinned Image
Such as this...
Pinned Image
Pinned Image
and this.

When I saw these images, my blood heated up in a way that I hadn't felt since I came across pro-anorexia blogs. I guess I just don't understand it. As I have been malnourished and too thin throughout my ED, it was never something that I wanted to promote to other people. Even though I may have been secretly proud on the inside, I have never wanted to promote this lifestyle or thinness to anyone else as an ideal way of being. I fight everyday to accept that thin isn't the only way to be. Why are people out there trying to promote the idea that these images are the ideal?

Honestly, this images still affect me. They secretly make me want to hold on to my ED. It infuriates me!

Pinterest, thank you for the 3-ingredient Butterfinger recipe. My husband loved them. Still, we have to part ways as this just is not a healthy relationship anymore.



Friday, October 14, 2011

The Appointment Date is Set!!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Today, I spoke with Sandra, my soon-to-be therapist, on the phone and scheduled my first appointment. I could not be more excited. I hope I didn't scare her with my excited voice, but I was just so glad to have the date set so that I can start looking forward to it. Knowing that I'm going to get help gives me hope to get through each day. I've been restricting a lot, and, no matter how much I restrict, I always seem to end up purging. I hate this! Each day is so difficult. I don't want to throw up anymore. I can't wait to get help.

I also asked Sandra if Danny could come with me to the appointment, and she said that would be great. Yay! Danny has expressed multiple times that he really wants to come to talk to Sandra with me. At first, I didn't like the idea because I thought that it would make me nervous, but, as I thought about it more, I realized how much his support means to me. I'm so fortunate that someone loves me so much that he wants to be right by my side all the way through treatment. It hasn't always been easy to be with Danny about my ED, but I've learned to stop worrying that the truth is going to scare him off. He's proven to me over and over again that his love is unconditional.

Now, all I'm worried about is 'will she really be able to help me?' I mean, I've been deep in my ED for over a decade. Will she really know how to help me, or am I beyond help? I guess I'm kind of nervous to hear what she has to say, but I'm so excited too.

That's all for now! I hope you all out there are treating yourselves deserve it!


Sunday, October 9, 2011

"Emily, what's your're secret to being so thin?"

This is what my supervisor at work, Kathy, asked me the other day. I was doing work at my computer and she, on her lunch break, came over and sat next to me. In an almost whisper voice (like we were talking about orgasms or something), she said, "Emily, I have to know your secret to being so darn thin." Kathy is such a sweet woman, and, being obese, she has been searching high and low for the "the perfect diet". Diets are a frequent point of discuss among my coworkers.

"Kathy," I replied, "I'm going to be completely honest with you. I've had an eating disorder for many years, and it's the battle of my life. I stay so thin because I restrict what I eat, and it's awful. I may look thin and put-together, but I'm just as lost as you are in terms of knowing what is okay to eat."

"I had no idea," she replied with surprise. "I look at someone like you and immediately assume that since you're skinny that you've got it all figured out."

"That's the misconception. Truly, even though someone looks like they're the perfect size, they're probably just as confused as you are about what they should be eating. I think we're all trying to put the puzzle together," I said.

"So," Kathy proposed, "you and I, it sounds like, are dealing with the same issue but at opposite ends of the spectrum."


I was SOOOO glad that we had this conversation. Not only was it a bond between us, but I hope that it ended Kathy's assumption that skinny people have it any more figured out than she does. Food seems to be puzzle that a lot of us are trying to make sense of.

Thank you for reading!


Saturday, October 8, 2011

No more challenges for now

Hello Bloggies!

Thank you so much for your comments and support already. It truly makes me feel less alone in this battle.

This past week, I have been trying to challenge myself with some foods that aren't my safe foods. I've included things like peanut butter, sweet potato, almond milk, and chickpeas. All amazingly nutritious foods. Should be fine, right? That's what I thought, but I've been purging everyday. It's so defeating. I just can't handle the way those foods feel in my stomach. Once they're inside me, it feels like they're haunting me.

I talked to Danny about it, and we decided that not purging is a higher priority than challenging myself with new foods. I'm going to wait until I see Sandra, the therapist, in November to know how to move forward with recovery. I thought that challenging myself would be a good thing, but I guess I wasn't ready.

So, until I start treatment, I'll be sticking to Luna Bars and apples because those are foods I have been able to digest. I will do my best to get as many calories as possible. I'm so excited to start treatment. I want so badly to move forward, but I think I need some guidance instead of coming up with plans on my own. I've tried that over and over again, and it never goes well.

One thing that did go well this week...

Boot shopping!!!

I have been needing some new boots, and I am in love with the boots I got. They remind me of Ree Drummond!

Thank you for reading!



Friday, October 7, 2011

Finding Help

Hi Bloggies!

As I said in my last post, I have some idea of how I can move forward with recovery. A friend recommended a therapist (I'll call her Sandra) who specializes in treating eating disorders. I've had negative experiences with trying to seek treatment before, but, from the emails that I've exchanged with Sandra, it sounds like she might be a great fit for me! My hopes are definitely high.

As of November 1, I will have new health insurance that will cover my appointments with Sandra, so I just have to get through the rest of this month before I can make an appointment. It seems like so far away because everyday is such a struggle. I know that I've lived with ED for 12 years and another few weeks should seem like no big deal, but the voice in my head is just so painful to hear everyday. I don't want to purge anymore. I want a way out.

At the same time, I'm terrified of letting go of ED. Some days, I try to challenge myself by eating something outside of my "safe foods", and I get angry. I get angry because I feel like I'm being forced to get rid of my identity, the only identity I've known for 12 years. What am I supposed to be without my ED?

I guess I want to run from ED and hold onto him at the same time. Definitely conflicting in my head. I think this is what women feel like when they're in abusive marriages. They know that they need to leave but are terrified of how to start over. I guess that's what ED abusive relationship. He makes you think you need him so that he can maintain power over you.

I'm going to get through this next month, but I can't wait to talk to Sandra. Thank you all for reading.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Me and my ED

Hi bloggie friends,

However you found my blog, I am so glad you did. I want to start, because I feel it necessary, to introduce myself.
Danny and I

I'm Emily, and I've lived with/battled anorexia and bulimia for about 12 years. How did it start? Well, I don't really know, but I suspect it has something to do with one or more of the following factors:

1) My dad is an asshole. A poor excuse for a man, drunk most of the time, self-esteem crushing asshole.
2) I grew up being a dancer, a universe where thinness is coveted like gold.
3) Like my mom, I'm a rigid perfectionist.
4) I always wanted to be as beautiful, confident, and successful as the women on magazine covers, so I of course I wanted to look like them too.

Why, after 12 years, do I still have an ED? Well, I'm not really sure, but it has to do with one or more of the following:

1) For as long as I can remember, I have been "the skinny girl". I don't know what I would be like without that identity.
2) I've lived by ED's rules for so long that I have no idea how else to make decisions.
3) ED gives me structure, so part of me doesn't want to get rid of ED.
4) The thought of waking up one day and not being able fit into my pants literally terrifies me.

Why am I fighting to be free from ED?

1) Someone loves me very much, and he doesn't deserve a wife who hates herself. He doesn't deserve a wife whose mind is with ED all day.
2) I'm tired of throwing up.
3) The negative health effects are apparent. If I want any future at all, recovery is my only option.
4) I don't want to hate myself anymore.

I would really appreciate any support that you all can provide along the way. I've made some good steps toward recovery, which I will tell you about in my next post. For now, thank you for reading and for following this difficult but necessary journey of mine.